Senior Lecturer , Dar Es Salaam University College Of Education

Ph.D (Analytical Chemistry), Okayama University, Japan


  • Basic Analytical and Physical Chemistry
  • Instrumental methods in analytical Chemistry
  • Analytical Environmental Chemistry



Separation science, Capillary Electrophoresis of inorganic/organic chemical species and environmental chemistry-gaseous pollutants and heavy metals in water and incinerator ash, Paper microfluids devices.


UDSM Project: Assessing and modelling the Quality of Handwashing Water and sanitizers Used for COVID-19 Prevention in Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Zanzibar


  1. Charles, S., Kilulya, K. F., & Mbuna, J. (2023). Lipophilic Wood Extractives’ Contamination of Water Bodies in the Vicinity of Pulp and Paper Mill, Southern Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Science, 49(2), 344-355.
  2. Ndimbo, A., Mbuligwe, S., & Mbuna, J. (2022). Physicochemical Characteristics and Heavy Metal Levels in Groundwater from Selected Areas of Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania. CHIEF EDITOR, 29(2), 26-43.
  3. Honest, A., Manyele, S., Saria, J., & Mbuna, J. (2020). Assessment of air pollutant emissions from healthcare waste incinerators of different design features. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 14(10), 311-328.
  4. Mbuna, J., & Kaneta, T. (2015). Capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection for application in intracellular investigation of anthracyclines and multidrug resistance proteins. Analytical Sciences, 31(11), 1121-1128.
  5. Mbuna, J., Kaneta, T., & Imasaka, T. (2011). Micellar electrokinetic chromatographic analysis for in vitro accumulation of anthracyclines enhanced by inhibitors of cell membrane transporter‐proteins in cancer cells. Biomedical Chromatography, 25(10), 1168-1174.
  6. Mbuna, J., Kaneta, T., & Imasaka, T. (2011). Rapid determination of multidrug resistance-associated protein in cancer cells by capillary electrophoresis immunoassay. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(25), 3923-3927.
  7. Mbuna, J., Kaneta, T., & Imasaka, T. (2010). Measurement of intracellular accumulation of anthracyclines in cancerous cells by direct injection of cell lysate in MEKC/LIF detection. Electrophoresis, 31(8), 1396-1404.